NUtech Ventures/UTDC uses proof of concept funding to support a promising imaging spin-out, Ground Fluor Pharmaceuticals Inc.
University Technology Development Corp. provided proof-of-concept funding to help move DiMagno’s imaging agents out of the lab and into clinical trials. Supporting the transfer of university technology to the marketplace, UTDC is a University of Nebraska affiliate and the parent company of NUtech Ventures.
Ohio and Ohio State University talk about expectations related to their new venture partnerships
“Obviously, you’re making educated guesses on which companies will be successful, but we already do that through the private equity portfolio that we have, and we intend to run the innovation fund in a similar manner to how the other venture funds are run in the endowment portfolio,” said Golding. Golding said OU and Ohio […]
NIH announces translational research grants to support obesity and diabetes
The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) encourages NIH Research Demonstration and Dissemination Project grant (R18) applications from institutions/ organizations to test practical, sustainable, acceptable, and cost efficient adaptations of efficacious strategies or approaches prevent and treat diabetes and/or obesity.
Moody Foundation supports research at U Texas Medical Branch
The University of Texas Medical Branch announced a $25.5 million contribution from the Moody Foundation of Galveston. The commitment includes $16.5 million to complete the new Jennie Sealy Hospital’s intensive care complex on the university’s island campus. The rest of the contribution will benefit the exploration of research opportunities.