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The Research Institution GAP Fund and Accelerator Program Summit

University of Texas Genesis Fund for Student Startups Raises $1M-Plus

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The annual summit for research institution gap fund and accelerator programs, including proof of concept programs, startup accelerators, and university venture funds

The Story

Finding funding is one of the hardest things for first-time entrepreneurs at any stage of life. But doing it while you’re in college and before you’ve made a lot of connections in the startup ecosystem is even harder.

Now, student founders at The University of Texas in Austin have a new opportunity to get a little funding to start a business and, perhaps more importantly, to connect with UT alumni who have built successful companies or have helpful insights and strong professional networks.

The Genesis Fund, which is part of the Genesis Program launched on campus in 2016, is raising its second batch of money to support student startups. And, in the first few days of its crowdfunding campaign, Genesis says the fund has generated more than $1 million in contributions. The group set an initial target of $1.2 million, and its crowdfunding campaign on UT’s HornRaiser will run for about 30 more days.

Source: UT’s Genesis Fund for Student Startups Raises $1M-Plus

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