We Look Forward to Working With You
Great ideas bring people together. Passionate and knowledgeable people make ideas real.
One of the greatest challenges in innovation is working through the complexity that exists in the gap between great ideas and finished products and services. This gap is often wider and deeper when the talking about those technologies that come from universities and early-stage startups. To address this “gap” many institutions have launched active proof of concept, startup formation, and venture gap fund and accelerator programs (GAP)
Our passion in starting innovosource was leverage our experience and expertise in these GAP programs to close the distance by bringing together key members of the innovation community—research institutions, high-tech companies, early-stage investors, and government agencies through direct partnerships and knowledge-exchange.
All of the innovosource GAP initiatives and offerings are created to alleviate specific tensions in the system through the sharing of quality insights, advocacy for best practices, and new routes to connect all of the important players in the innovation ecosystem.
Our role is a supportive partner to all of the great initiatives that community members are launching each and every day and to help where needed. We are connected, engaged, flexible, and here to serve you in reaching your GAP program objectives.
Please connect with us to discuss opportunities to shape the future at your organization and tomorrow’s breakthroughs.
Your ally in innovation,
Jacob Johnson
Founder, innovosoure
Our Focus Areas
- Research Institution-managed Proof of Concept, Startup, and Venture Gap Fund and Accelerator Programs
- Technology Transfer and Commercialization Models
- University-Industry POC and Startup-development Partnerships
- Eary-stage Venture Capital and accelerator scouting
Our Partners and Clients
- Research Institutions
- Hi-tech Companies and Start-ups
- Early-stage Venture Capital and Angel Investors
- Federal and State Agencies
- Associations and Service Providers

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If your research institution, corporate innovation/venture team, or venture capital firm would like to learn about offerings, resources, and community news, please sign up for our weekly GAP insight update.
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