October 18-20 | Tucson, AZ

The Research Institution GAP Fund and Accelerator Program Summit

Midwest Venture Investors To Raise As Much As $100M To Fund Health Startups

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The annual summit for research institution gap fund and accelerator programs, including proof of concept programs, startup accelerators, and university venture funds

The Story

Venture Investors plans to raise up to $100 million for a newhealthcare-focused venture capital fundthe MadisonWI-based firm said in a documentrecently filed with federal securities regulators.

VI is the oldest and largest venture capital fund in Wisconsin.

It created a new business entity, “Venture Investors Health Fund 6 LimitedPartnership,” under whose name the document was filed.

The filing lists the same business address and some of the same executiveofficers as previous funds VI has raised for investing in startups.

Scott Buttona managing director at VIdeclined to say what the organization’stimeline is for raising the new healthcare fundciting regulatory restrictions.

The Wisconsin-based healthcare businesses that VI has backed include CellectarBiosciencesFluGenand TAI Diagnostics.

Two Madison-based startups in VI’s portfolio were acquired by largepubliclytraded companies in the last two yearsNeuWave Medicalwhich was sold toEthicona subsidiary of Johnson & Johnsonand Virentwhich was acquired byAndeavor.

Source: Xconomy: Venture Investors To Raise As Much As $100M To Fund Health Startups

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