October 18-20 | Tucson, AZ
The Research Institution GAP Fund and Accelerator Program Summit
Research Institution
Tech and Startup
Gap Fund and Accelerator Programs
Bridging the tech and startup gap by supporting the development of and the connection with research institution technology and startup gap fund and accelerator programs (GAP). Serving research institutions, corporate innovation teams, and investors
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Where We Focus
Over the course of the past 17 years, innovosource has embarked on numerous initiatives and implemented support programs with the primary objective of advancing promising research institution technology and startups. The ultimate goal has been to facilitate the transition of these innovations from the lab setting to university-industry research collaboration, as well as to attract external investments.
We specialize in providing university innovation leaders with valuable insights and cultivating strategic partnerships with industry and investors with a focus on gap fund and accelerator programs.
These translational research and proof of concept programs, startup accelerators, and university venture funds, managed or affiliated with universities, hospitals, and research institutions, offer crucial capital, mentorship, and other forms of commercialization support. Their purpose is to bridge the gap between university research and commercialization while fostering collaborations between university commercialization efforts and corporate research, corporate ventures, and venture capital, angel, family office, and other investment partners
Research institution technology commercialization, venture, and innovation programs
Corporate innovation and venture teams
Early-stage venture capital and angel investors
How We Support
Get our University Gap Fund + Startup Accelerator Program Weekly Insights
Boosting leaders and their gap fund and accelerator programs through best practice research and reports
Connecting corporate innovation to university technology and startup partnerships through proof of concept projects
Hosting the annual summit for developing or collaborating with university tech and startup gap fund and accelerator programs
Convening a community of university gap fund and accelerator program leaders to share, learn, and create commercial and investment connections
Who We Are
innovosource enables innovation and commercialization programs through knowledge-exchange and relationship-building between research institutions, industry, and investors through focus on tactical offerings, like gap funding and accelerator programs.
Over the past 15 years, we have supported more that 300 institutions that are developing or evolving their gap fund and accelerator programs.