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The Research Institution GAP Fund and Accelerator Program Summit

UMass System announces $250,000 in Technology Development Fund awards

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The annual summit for research institution gap fund and accelerator programs, including proof of concept programs, startup accelerators, and university venture funds

The Story

Thanks to $250,000 in seed funding announced today by University of Massachusetts President Marty Meehan, new technologies aimed at reducing patients’ and health-care workers’ exposure to drug-resistant bacteria, detecting important ocean data, and determining genetic disorders linked to autism and other medical conditions could get closer to market.

The Technology Development Fund, which works to commercialize scientific advances across the University of Massachusetts’ five campuses, will award up to $25,000 to ten faculty research initiatives. The fund is managed by the UMass President’s Office in Boston’s Office of Technology Commercialization and Ventures (OTCV).

“As a public research university, UMass has a duty to drive innovation that strengthens the socio-economic fabric of our communities, nation, and world,” said President Meehan. “With these grants, we’re investing in world class faculty who are carrying out our mission through their cutting-edge discoveries, attracting the highest quality collaborators, and bringing the results of research to the marketplace.”

The Technology Development Fund awards provide extra financing to bridge the gap between UMass research findings and proven technology that address the region’s, nation’s, and world’s most pressing concerns, frequently laying the framework for important achievements.


Source: 2022: UMass System announces $250,000 in Technology Development Fund awards | UMass Dartmouth