ENGINE grants provide funding for College of Engineering faculty entrepreneurs
Three projects have been selected for funding through the College of Engineering’s ENGineering for Innovation & ENtrepreneurship (ENGINE) grant program. Now in its second year, the program provides financial support to faculty to help transition their early stage research results through a proof-of-concept phase, with the ultimate objective of forming a startup company or licensing […]
Invent Penn State: Power of partnerships in innovation
Earlier this year, Penn State President Eric Barron unveiled Invent Penn State, an initiative to spur economic development in Pennsylvania, propelling Happy Valley into a hub for innovation. This is an audacious goal, and the announcement has created significant activity and a groundswell of optimism from those eager to get involved. Invent Penn State is […]
Pennsylvania governor puts dollars behind innovation initiatives, new funding programs
To position Pennsylvania as a national leader for technology development, Gov. Tom Corbett’s administration announced today the awarding of new investments to support business, community and university-based innovation. “The governor is committed to providing our start-up companies and entrepreneurs with the resources they need to grow here and stay here,” Department of Community and Economic […]
Pennsylvania University Partnership Funds Translational Research Through The Energy Commercialization Institute (ECI)
Alternative energy research projects involving four faculty members from the University of Pennsylvania have been awarded grants from the Energy Commercialization Institute,a translational-research partnership that draws upon several regional universities.