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The Research Institution GAP Fund and Accelerator Program Summit

Pennsylvania governor puts dollars behind innovation initiatives, new funding programs

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The annual summit for research institution gap fund and accelerator programs, including proof of concept programs, startup accelerators, and university venture funds

The Story

To position Pennsylvania as a national leader for technology development, Gov. Tom Corbett’s administration announced today the awarding of new investments to support business, community and university-based innovation.

“The governor is committed to providing our start-up companies and entrepreneurs with the resources they need to grow here and stay here,” Department of Community and Economic Development Secretary C. Alan Walker said.  “The support we are providing will help to build the relationship between students, businesses and universities to create jobs for graduates right here at home.”

The Ben Franklin Technology Development Authority (BFTDA) approved $1.9 million in funding for 10 Keystone Innovation Network program grants to support new technology development in the state. The funding will provide companies, universities, researchers, students and entrepreneurs with improved access to technology and resources. Funding will also support partnerships, improved performance, and competition, while creating closer collaboration and support for eligible companies and universities.

The Keystone Innovation Network (KIN) is a competitive grant program supported by the BFTDA, requiring a one-to-one cash match. The KIN’s services include, but are not limited to, the acceleration of technology commercialization, the development of technology transfer infrastructure, the leveraging of university research faculty and intellectual property, tax incentives, funding and other supportive services that foster further growth in companies and the communities where they are established.

The BFTDA is one of the nation’s largest and most-replicated state technology development programs, providing a vehicle for investment in economic, community and university-based investments.

For more information about the BFTDA, or other community and economic development programs, visit www.newPA.com or call 1-866-466-3972.

Read more here: http://www.heraldonline.com/2012/11/15/4418763/corbett-administration-accelerates.html#storylink=cpy



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