Ryerson University has formed a new collaboration with Prince Edward/Lennox & Addington Community Futures Development Corporation , First Stone Venture Partners, and the Eastern Ontario Regional Network to promote research and technological innovation, and to attract and accelerate startups and advance economic development in Ontario regions.
“PELA CFDC and the new Upper Canada Equity Fund is proud to partner with Ryerson University, EORN and First Stone Venture Partners in this exciting new collaboration that will advance innovation, research and investment in our community, said Debra Marshall, Chair of the Upper Canada Equity Fund. “Ryerson University is a world leader in entrepreneurial innovation and support and we look forward to growing our relationship in the years to come.”
“First Stone Venture Partners was founded by serial entrepreneurs who understand the challenges of creating success, often with only ideas and effort,” said Mauro Lollo, President, First Stone Venture Partners. “Our vision is to create sustainable ecosystems for innovative start-up’s in non-urban communities by investing in entrepreneurial talent and innovative ideas. Our unique investment and support strategy nurtures and accelerates early-stage companies while helping to diversify local economies for the long-term benefit of our communities and country.”
“Strengthening regional or rural technological innovation and their connection to other national or international markets is an important step in narrowing Canada’s innovation gap and promoting economic development, said Wendy Cukier,” Vice President Research and Innovation, Ryerson University. “Understanding the demand and application side of innovation and its impacts is also vital if we are to realize the transformational potential of emerging technologies.”
“EORN is excited about the potential of this new collaboration agreement with PELA CFDC, the Upper Canada Equity Fund; Ryerson University, and First Stone Venture Partners,” said David Fell, CEO of the Eastern Ontario Regional Network. “This project will leverage the entrepreneurial and research expertise of Ryerson University to help us increase the scale and scope of the start-up and innovation ecosystem in Eastern Ontario.”
via Ryerson University Partnership to Promote Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship – Techvibes.com.