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The Research Institution GAP Fund and Accelerator Program Summit

Kent State University students to manage foundation investment fund

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The annual summit for research institution gap fund and accelerator programs, including proof of concept programs, startup accelerators, and university venture funds

The Story

KENT, Ohio – Kent State University students will gain real-world experience this fall when they begin managing an investment fund for the university’s foundation.

The program is designed to prepare students to work in the asset management business with an in-depth understanding of how the business works, the university said.

“Kent State’s College of Business Administration believes in a ‘Students First’ focus and in delivering experiential learning,” Steven Dennis, Firestone Chair of Corporate Finance in the Department of Finance, said in a statement. “The Student Managed Investment Fund accomplishes both initiatives. Professional money management is an experience game – the more you’re acquainted with the markets, the better you will perform.”

As many as 30 finance students will make up the investment fund team. They will apply for positions and be vetted by faculty advisers and the Investment Advisory Board. The positions will include senior officers to oversee operations of portfolios, lead analysts for each of the 10 sectors of the stock market and additional students to oversee the performance of the economy.

Students will work in small groups, conducting research and analysis and presenting formal investment recommendations. Students will make all decisions for the funds. However, bylaws allow for a veto by faculty and the Investment Advisory Board.

The student team will document performance of the funds at weekly meetings and provide quarterly performance reports to the university and foundation. In addition, an annual written performance report and oral presentation will be given in the spring. Students will also compete in the Global Asset Management Education Conference in New York City.

“The Student Managed Investment Fund creates future employment opportunities that would not otherwise be available,” said Dennis. “It helps students develop critical thinking, teamwork, leadership and analytical skills, and ultimately provides students with a competitive edge over peers in the job market.”

Source: Kent State University students to manage foundation investment fund | cleveland.com