AKT IP Ventures today announced the launch of a targeted $20 million incubation investment fund that will finance the creation and operation of IP-based businesses in the mobile, multi-touch, wearables, IoT, big data and medical technology sectors. As an incubator and operator of emerging IP-based businesses, AKT IP Ventures offers a unique, constructive and creative alternative to the litigation model of patent monetization. Employing a disciplined approach to bringing IP-based technologies to market, AKT IP Ventures turns patents into viable enterprises that create jobs, generate value and bring exciting new technologies and innovations into the marketplace.
“Leveraging software patents, AKT IP Ventures’ incubation investment fund offers a new business model and an alternative to traditional venture funds. Our focus on deep market research, practical innovation and product diversity makes us an attractive investment alternative in today’s marketplace”
AKT IP Ventures’ incubation investment fund builds on a proven track record of 170 successful software deployments, ranging from M&A, licensing and asset sales. The targeted $20 million fund will back the expansion of AKT IP Ventures’ existing portfolio of successful patent-based technology businesses. It will also finance the creation and operation of 10 to 15 new IP-based joint ventures in the mobile, multi-touch, wearables, IoT, big data and medical technology sectors that can be spun off into streamlined exits.
“Leveraging software patents, AKT IP Ventures’ incubation investment fund offers a new business model and an alternative to traditional venture funds. Our focus on deep market research, practical innovation and product diversity makes us an attractive investment alternative in today’s marketplace,” says Nicolas Chaillan, CEO of AKT IP Ventures. “Our innovative investment, management and operation model positions AKT IP Ventures to be a disruptive force in the traditional business incubation and investment management marketplaces.”
In only 18 months or less, AKT IP Ventures’ IP monetization model can execute a full business development lifecycle that takes an idea from quick prototyping to product development to marketplace to exit. AKT IP Ventures operates and manages the newly created companies by providing development, design, marketing and even sales teams. Combining proven leadership in software development with business acumen and a strong IP expertise AKT IP Ventures delivers IP-based technologies to market that create value, drive innovation and ultimately create jobs.