$500M endowment aims to back NC university innovation through valley of death

A North Carolina organization is using $500 million to rescue university research innovations from “the valley of death.” Innovations that don’t make it out of the research and development (R&D) phase often fail in the “valley of death” — the period after the product is developed but before it’s on the market. Projects in this […]
From student investor to startup success | Waterloo News | University of Waterloo

As an alum of the first Student Investment Fund (SIF) cohort, a student-led initiative at the School of Accounting and Finance (SAF) that gives students real-world investing experience, Andy Wang (BCFM ’13) is familiar with the benefits of experiential education that extends beyond classroom walls. On his journey to a successful career in mainstream finance, Wang has prioritized his […]
UCD gets new accelerator for disruptive AI start-ups

A new accelerator has been launched at University College Dublin (UCD) to support start-ups working on exciting AI products. This AI Ecosystem Accelerator will be delivered by NovaUCD, the university’s hub of innovation and start-up activities. The six-month accelerator is being launched in partnership with CeADAR, Ireland’s research centre for applied AI. The focus of […]