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The Research Institution GAP Fund and Accelerator Program Summit

York University invites next phase of the Academic Innovation Fund

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The annual summit for research institution gap fund and accelerator programs, including proof of concept programs, startup accelerators, and university venture funds

The Story

Do you have a great idea or concept for how to expand and advance York University’s priorities in eLearning, experiential education (EE) and enhancing the first-year experience? Why not consider putting your ideas into action by developing a project submission for consideration as part of phase two of York University’s highly successful Academic Innovation Fund (AIF).

Phase Two offers $1.5 million in funding available for projects advancing York University’s priorities in eLearning, EE and enhancing the first-year experience. Details of the call for proposals can be found on the AIF website. The deadline for submissions is Friday, Feb. 6, by 4pm.

Phase Two of the Academic Innovation Fund is different from the first phase in that it has two categories: Category I will focus on large, innovative projects at the program level, while Category II offers incentive grants to full-time and contract faculty members who wish to redesign their courses using technology enhanced learning or experiential education strategies. The second phase of AIF builds on the already strong quality of York University’s undergraduate and graduate program offerings, enhancing the teaching and learning experience for York University’s students.

Category I projects have a maximum grant allocation of $100,000 and applicants can apply for up to three years, but funding will only be granted for one year, with agreement in principal for years two and three. Category II projects will receive up to $10,000 in funding.

All project submissions will be vetted by the AIF Steering Committee and recommendations will go to York University’s Vice-President Academic and Provost Rhonda Lenton for final approval. Once selected, project champions will be brought together for a welcome orientation session in the spring of 2015. Professional development support will be provided to project champions for both categories. Faculty eLearning and EE leads will play both a coordination and support role for their Faculties as well as identify ways to profile grant recipients and ensure that information about projects is shared locally.

via YFile » Submissions invited for next phase of the Academic Innovation Fund.