Applications are being accepted now through Sept. 1, 2014, for the fourth round of funding from the UC Technology Commercialization Accelerator.
The accelerator serves as a vehicle for significantly ramping up the commercialization activity of the university. Its primary focus is on identifying promising, early stage technologies; assessing those technologies to determine viable startup company opportunities; developing a commercialization strategy; and facilitating the work necessary to move the technology toward commercialization. This initiative receives support from the Third Frontier, UC 2019, Southern Ohio Creates Companies Pre-Seed Fund proceeds and CincyTech.
Since its formation in 2012, the UC Technology Commercialization Accelerator has aided in the formation of four new startup companies that are attracting external follow-on funding. The accelerator has also aided in attracting licensing interest of several established companies.
Successful applicants receive:
Advising from Entrepreneurs-in-Residence to increase commercialization outcomes.
Funding awards of $25,000 to $40,000 to advance the technical or business case.
Connections to external resources needed to add commercial value to the opportunity.
Applicants must have a technology developed at the University of Cincinnati which addresses a large unmet market need and offers a commercially viable solution. Only those with full-time faculty and/or staff status with a primary employment appointment at the University of Cincinnati are eligible to apply.
Applications will be reviewed by an external Commercialization Advisory Committee. Awards are made on a competitive basis and consider: market attractiveness, competitive advantage, strength of implementation team and implementation plan, potential economic impact and overall quality of the proposal.
via Technology Commercialization Accelerator Accepting Applications.