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The Research Institution GAP Fund and Accelerator Program Summit

The University College of London delivers a suite of internal funds, translational research to start-up support

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The annual summit for research institution gap fund and accelerator programs, including proof of concept programs, startup accelerators, and university venture funds

The Story

Internal Funding

Translational Research Office Administered Funds

Confidence in Concept

UCL has been awarded £700,000 by the MRC to establish a Confidence in Concept fund to be used flexibly to support the earliest stages of multiple translational research projects. It is intended to accelerate the transition from discovery research to translational development projects by supporting preliminary work or feasibility studies to establish the viability of an approach.

The first call will be launched in November 2012 with an application deadline of 11th January 2013.

Therapeutic Innovation Fund

Established in 2009, the UCL Therapeutic Innovation Fund provides seed funding to support the development of a high-quality therapeutic pipeline through the translation of UCL biomedical innovations towards clinical patient benefit. The fund is available to investigators from UCL and welcomes applications across the therapeutic spectrum from target identification to pre-clinical studies.

The fund is currently closed.  The next call for applications is expected to be launched during December 2012/January 2013.

UCL Enterprise

UCL Enterprise works with all academic disciplines to promote knowledge exchange and to facilitate engagement with the wider world.  A variety of funding opportunities is available through UCL Enterprise.

UCL Business

Proof of Concept Funds

Proof of concept (PoC) funds can be used to support the pre-commercialisation development of promising technologies emerging from UCL.  Every technology requires different strategies to take it to market and the different funds available can be used to generate data to support commercialisation, produce prototype devices or even to undertake pre-clinical activities.UCL Business PLC (UCLB) has access to a number of funds, each with its own application and approval procedure.


Crucible can offer you financial support to ensure you reach the funding submission stage. You can apply for funding at any time.  Log on to the Crucible website and register as a user. To apply you need to be the owner of the idea posted.


Info Page: http://www.ucl.ac.uk/translational-research/funding-opps/internal-funding