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U Queensland Inflazome closes US$17m Series A financing round from Novartis Venture Fund 

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The annual summit for research institution gap fund and accelerator programs, including proof of concept programs, startup accelerators, and university venture funds

The Story

Inflazome (inflazome.com) has successfully closed a Series A financing round for up to US$17/€15 million. Two leading life sciences venture capital firms, Novartis Venture Funds and Fountain Healthcare Partners, co-led the financing.

Inflazome is developing inhibitors of the inflammasome, a compelling biological target that regulates our innate immune response, now associated with a wide variety of diseases. Following the closure of the financing round, Florent Gros (Managing Director of Novartis Venture Fund), and Dr. Manus Rogan (Co-Founder and Managing Director at Fountain Healthcare Partners) joined the Board of Directors.

Commenting on the launch of Inflazome, Dr. Matt Cooper, Co-Founder and CEO of Inflazome, stated “Inflammasome activation is now implicated in many diseases driven by chronic inflammation, from Parkinson’s to Asthma. These conditions are often inadequately treated by current therapies. We want to help people with debilitating diseases facing limited or no treatment options.”

Prof. Luke O’Neill Co-Founder and CSO added, “Animal models and clinical data suggests there is tremendous opportunity to stop the cycle of chronic inflammation in a range of diseases. We believe that targeting the inflammasome has tremendous potential for a wide range of inflammatory diseases where current treatments are ineffective.”

Dr. Manus Rogan, Co-Founder and Managing Partner at Fountain Healthcare Partners said “Considering the breadth and depth of possible applications, the commercial potential for a successful small molecule inhibitor of this key target is clearly in the billions of dollars range.”

Florent Gros, Managing Director at Novartis Venture Fund said, “We have searched extensively for inhibitors of the inflammasome. We are very excited by Inflazome’s prospects; the company has outstanding assets, expertise and capabilities.”

Source: Inflazome closes US$17m Series A financing round from Novartis Venture Fund and Fountain Healthcare Partners to develop treatments for chronic inflammatory diseases | Business Wire

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