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The University of Utah celebrates innovation: successful P3s and precedent-setting $884 million in investments raised by U startup companies

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The Story

In publishing the FY21 Innovation Report  the University of Utah’s (the U) PIVOT Center highlights several important partnerships, including Recursion and RenalytixAI. The report also celebrates some of the U’s innovation by promoting quantitative and qualitative metrics, such as the precedent-setting $884 million in investments raised by U startup companies; and technologies developed by University of Utah faculty and students contributed to the launch of 14 startup companies last year.

Taylor R. Randall, President, University of Utah states in the report, “The University of Utah is at an inflection point, positioned to play a starring role in Utah’s innovation economy. And PIVOT Center will be an essential part of that success.”

Also in the report, Keith Marmer, Chief Innovation & Economic Engagement Officer, University of Utah, shares the evolution of PIVOT Center to serve as a catalyst for the University in Utah and Utah’s innovation ecosystem. The Center is utilizing the term innovation management instead of what has been traditionally labeled technology transfer – as true innovation management requires a market-based opportunity to be identified and developed in partnership with industry, entrepreneur, and investment partners. PIVOT Center focuses on the holistic process of innovation management and the long-term commitment to growing “talent, innovation, and place” and how these key elements of a university interact.

For more information visit https://pivotcenter.utah.edu/ .


Source: FY21 Innovation Report

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