U Florida Research Proposal Awarded $50K from Informatics Institute Seed Fund

Chris Delcher, Ph.D., assistant professor in the Department of Health Outcomes & Policy, was recently selected to receive one-year, $50,000 seed funding for his research proposal, “New Collaboration to Increase the Development of Computable Phenotypes for Improving Health Outcomes.” The award was made possible by the University of Florida Informatics Institute Seed Fund Program, whose […]

University of Florida release call for Research Opportunity Seed Fund, full submission process and material

The Research Opportunity Seed Fund targets interdisciplinary, faculty-initiated research projects with potential for extramural support. The program focuses on new projects and/or new collaborative partnerships. Projects should be innovative, support institutional mission goals, have strong potential for garnering future funding from external sources, OR have outstanding commercial potential. Opportunity Fund awards are not intended to […]