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Sony Research Award Program Continues in Third Year Promoting Innovation and Technological Development with U.S. and Canadian Universities

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Sony today announced the continuation of the Sony Research Award Program, an academic awards program to provide U.S. and Canadian universities funding for emerging and innovative technology research projects in collaboration with Sony’s own research division.

“Sony established the Research Award Program in 2016 to foster relationships with academic institutions and to spearhead advanced research concepts,” said Mike Fasulo, president and chief operating officer of Sony Electronics. “Through these efforts, we’re leading the way to future industries and markets toward the benefit of driving excellent consumer experiences.”

The Research Award Program comprises the Faculty Innovation Award and the Focused Research Award within three broad subject categories: Information Technology, Devices & Materials, and Life Sciences. Both awards create new opportunities for faculty to engage and participate in cutting-edge research, leading to the introduction of breakthrough technologies.

The Faculty Innovation Award will award up to USD $100,000 to principal investigators for one year, with the possibility of an extension. Faculty Innovation Awards are for research projects that fall within Sony’s current research interests. This award will help Sony catalyze and expand the creation of new concepts by building on existing research through university partnerships.

The Focused Research Award will award up to USD $150,000 for one year, with the possibility of an extension, to conduct research in areas of Sony’s immediate interest. Through close collaboration with Sony’s own in-house research team, academic faculties can explore new and developing research.

Proposals may be submitted by university principal investigators, as well as assistant, associate, and full professors. Objectives, publication, and patents will be mutually agreed upon between the awarding institution and Sony. The deadline for applications is September 15, 2018 and award nominees will be notified around March of 2019.


Source: Sony Research Award Program Continues in Third Year Promoting Innovation and Technological Development with U.S. and Canadian Universities

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