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The Research Institution GAP Fund and Accelerator Program Summit

Presskit.to and Collaperty Receive November Gap Funding From Northeastern IDEA

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The annual summit for research institution gap fund and accelerator programs, including proof of concept programs, startup accelerators, and university venture funds

The Story

IDEA: Northeastern’s Venture Accelerator is happy to announce Presskit.to and Collaperty as the Gap Fund recipients for November 2012. Each venture will receive $10,000 to further their business development.

Presskit.to is aiming to become the leading platform for online portfolios in the music industry. Presskit.to provides musicians, agents, and producers a way to showcase and publicize their projects.

Collaperty is a social commercial real estate platform to connect sellers, buyers, and investors to collaborate on real estate investments.

“We are ecstatic about the funding,” said co-founder Rishi Palriwala. “It will go towards marketing and website development so we can start to get users on the site. Most importantly this will allow us to test and validate our model, which we think is the key to success here.”

Since joining IDEA, Collaperty has utilized our Service Providers, workshops, and other resources.

“IDEA has been an important partner in achieving our goals in Collaperty. IDEA has not only helped us refine our business plans through their coaches but also has helped us with service providers to get our business up and running.”

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