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The Research Institution GAP Fund and Accelerator Program Summit

New $100,000 startup fund announced at entrepreneur showcase event

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The annual summit for research institution gap fund and accelerator programs, including proof of concept programs, startup accelerators, and university venture funds

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The John F. Wood Centre for Business and Student Enterprise (Wood Centre) announced new funding for entrepreneurs during their Startup Showcase event on July 31st. The newly created Oilseed Innovation Partners Entrepreneurship Fund is available to U of G startups enrolled in the Centre’s Hub Incubator program who have a business idea associated with the Canadian oil seed industry.

The fund was established through a major gift from the Oilseed Innovation Partners, a non-profit organization dedicated to creating new bioscience opportunities for Canadian oilseeds innovation by donating their proceeds toward entrepreneurship.

With additional financial support from the Ontario Agricultural College (OAC) and the Gordon S. Lang School of Business and Economics (Lang School), the fund totals $100,000 that will be distributed to startups over a ten-year period.


Source: New $100,000 startup fund announced at entrepreneur showcase event | Ontario Agricultural College

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