Coming Soon
Industry-University Partnerships Through Gap Fund and Accelerator Programs
Virtual Workshop | June 20, 2024
A powerful collaborative approach to de-risk and develop technologies and startups
Gap fund and accelerator programs (GAP) are specialized, university-driven initiatives that support the development and commercialization of research institution technologies and startups. These proof-of-concept programs, startup accelerators, and university venture fund programs deploy a unique combination of capital, mentorship, programming, space, and talent to de-risk opportunities and pave the way for potential collaborations with industry partners.
Forward-thinking companies know that innovation is a continuous journey, and understand the importance of seeking fresh perspectives and alternative approaches to stay ahead of the competition. By partnering with research universities and startups, through university GAP initiatives, they can tap into a wealth of knowledge and capabilities that can help them achieve their goals while advancing commercial interests.
In recent years, tech-driven corporations have increasingly embraced formal partnerships with universities through GAP programs. These collaborations, whether organic or directed, foster enduring relationships that yield sustained innovation, talent development, and mutual benefits. By nurturing these connections, both academia and industry can adapt to market trends and remain at the forefront of technological advancements.
Join us as we learn from GAP leaders and industry partners who have achieved remarkable success in industry-university partnering through GAP programming. Discover the strategies and best practices they employed to create mutually beneficial partnerships and advance academic and commercial interests.
What to Expect
Content geared towards the set-up and management of varying university-industry GAP collaborative models and processes
Hear from GAP Leaders and their industry collaborators on lesson-learned in working towards positive outcomes
Conversation with the larger group at the event leads to action and high-quality corporate interactions on campus
Did You Know...?
From its Mind the Gap Report, innovosource found that on average the commercialization rate of graduated GAP projects to be 35% and programs attract nearly $22 of follow-on capital for every $1 GAP funding. This proves that these programs not only nurture commercially-interesting opportunities, but progress them to a point where industry and other partners will engage.
2:00-2:30 PM ET
2:30-3:30 PM ET

Lab to Market (L2M) Accelerator Network

Dymtro Pokhylko
Director, L2M Accelerator Network

John Wilson
CEO, Innovate Calgary

Fast Forward Medical Innovation

Mike Ranella
Business Development Senior Director

Robin Rasor
AVP, Translation + Commercialization