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The Research Institution GAP Fund and Accelerator Program Summit

IBM and Columbia University Announce Blockchain accelerator

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The annual summit for research institution gap fund and accelerator programs, including proof of concept programs, startup accelerators, and university venture funds

The Story

IBM and Columbia University recently announced two new accelerator programs that are aimed at building and scaling the next era of blockchain innovation. The accelerator programs, vital facets of the Columbia-IBM Center for Blockchain and Data Transparency, will empower blockchain network founders and entrepreneurs across the globe with access to the resources as well as expertise they need to set up blockchain networks.

Both the programs will each serve to support ten startups that are working on building out blockchain businesses and establishing enterprise blockchain networks. Under the purview of each program, participants will look into best practices for developing a blockchain network with academic, business, and technical mentors from Columbia and IBM. Furthermore, they will also have access to a proficient network of technical and business support, vigorous design workshops from IBM, business value design assistance as well as access to IBM Cloud technology; and connections to the Columbia research community and student talent pools via the program.

Satish Rao, Executive Director, Columbia Blockchain Launch Accelerator, said, “Columbia University has successfully launched several technology accelerators in New York City, but this our first in partnership with a corporation that is a clear industry leader in the field. Early- and late-stage teams will undoubtedly benefit from IBM’s technology resources, expertise and established network coupled with Columbia’s ground-breaking research and talent in blockchain and data transparency, all while benefiting from rapidly growing NYC blockchain communities.”

The aim of these programs is to enable network founders to advance their ideas into scalable and sustainable companies offering blockchain solutions. And for those who are already further along in the journey, the programs help them attain scale and build successful business networks. By assisting companies in building scalable solutions, the newly announced accelerator programs stand to help encourage relevant enterprise blockchain adoption and drive business efficiencies across the entire spectrum of industries.


Source: IBM and Columbia University Announce Integration

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