UConn Moving Forward on Bold ‘Innovation Faculty’ Recruitment
UConn’s broad proposal to boost Connecticut’s economy by dramatically boosting faculty-led innovation is going forward, with key committees approving its details on Wednesday and forwarding it to the full Board of Trustees. The “Innovation Faculty Hires & Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Initiative” was developed by UConn as a pathway to increase tech transfer, entrepreneurship, and innovation by […]
‘The program is buzzing:’ Business startup program at UConn-Stamford sees major growth
TIP Digital, a technology incubation program for data science-focused startups hosted at the University of Connecticut’s Stamford campus, has seen the number of participating companies more than triple since its launch about eight months ago, according to data released this week by the initiative’s funding organizations. The program now hosts 17 data science startups, compared […]
Opinion: UConn innovation program key to job creation, graduate retention in the state
Entrepreneurship and innovation hold the keys to job creation, wealth creation and a bright economic future for Connecticut. The COVID-19 pandemic has seen a resurgence of millennials and other young people moving back to Connecticut. It is critical that we take advantage of this opportunity to grow the economy and secure our future. We believe that UConn […]
UConn funds COVID-19 research through COVID-19 Research Seed Funding
The Office of the Vice President for Research has established an internal funding program for University of Connecticut projects from all campuses that focus on the COVID-19 pandemic, offering up to $50,000 to program participants. Currently, five projects from both UConn and UConn Health have been supported by this funding endeavor. The projects selected for […]
UConn Innovation Fund Invests in Two More University Startups
The University of Connecticut, in partnership with Connecticut Innovations (CI), and Webster Bank, today announced that two more early-stage companies have been awarded early-stage funding from the $2.25 million UConn Innovation Fund. Both companies are also part of UConn’s Technology Incubation Program (TIP) in Farmington. The state-of-the-art facility on the UConn Health campus provides lab and office space, […]
Hartford HealthCare tech accelerator finds home in new innovation center
Hartford, Conn.-based Trinity College announced on March 4 the opening of its Trinity Innovation Center, which will house, among other innovation initiatives, the Digital Health CT accelerator program co-sponsored by Hartford HealthCare. The 13,000-square-foot innovation center is located in downtown Hartford. The new space was funded by $2.5 million in grants from the state of Connecticut. Digital […]
Connecticut Innovations Announces Finalists for 2019 Global Venture Challenge
Connecticut Innovations(CI), Connecticut’s strategic venture capital arm, today announced the finalists for VentureClash, the $5 million global venture challenge. The 10 finalists will participate in a live pitch event at Yale University on Thursday, October 17, 2019, in front of a panel of prominent judges. The 2019 VentureClash finalists include: Atidot (Israel): An insurtech solution that uses artificial intelligence, machine learning and predictive […]
CT Children’s Hopital innovation center, fund aim to rear homegrown ideas
When Connecticut Children’s Medical Center is wooing high-profile hires, candidates often ask about how the job will help them pursue cutting-edge medical research and innovations. “The people we want to attract here have this in their DNA,” said Dr. Christine Finck, surgeon-in-chief at the 187-bed hospital. “What are you going to do with my ideas?” […]
UConn president’s ambitious goal to boost entrepreneurship, double research funding faces hurdles
In August, UConn’s board of trustees held its first meeting attended by new University of Connecticut President Thomas Katsouleas. Much of the meeting consisted of housekeeping issues like reviewing the university’s ethics policy, but at least one agenda item was right up Katsouleas’ ally: the formation of an entrepreneurship advisory committee. The former University of […]
Hartford HealthCare, Trinity, UConn to launch Hartford medtech accelerator
Hartford HealthCare, Trinity College and the UConn School of Business on Wednesday are expected to announce the launch a medical technology and digital health accelerator, which would join insurance and manufacturing startup programs that have launched in the Capital City in the past few years. The partners have chosen London-based Startupbootcamp to operate the new […]