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The Research Institution GAP Fund and Accelerator Program Summit

Ateios Systems Secures $350K NSF Grant for Battery Innovation

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The annual summit for research institution gap fund and accelerator programs, including proof of concept programs, startup accelerators, and university venture funds

The Story

Ateios Systems, a leader in battery component manufacturing, has been awarded a $150,000 R&D grant and a $200,000 SuperBoost grant from the NSF Engines: Upstate New York Energy Storage Engine. This funding will support the company’s pioneering approach to manufacturing next-generation, high-energy dense, environmentally friendly battery electrodes.

Ateios Systems was identified as a potential high-impact company while participating in the U.S. National Science Foundation-funded ChargeUp Accelerator at Binghamton University.

Ateios’ breakthrough technology, developed in collaboration with Oak Ridge National Laboratory, aims to disrupt the $85 billion lithium-ion battery market by eliminating toxic solvents, harmful chemicals and CO2 emissions from production. At the same time, it enhances battery performance and reduces production costs. The proprietary RaiCure™ technology enables the creation of “forever-chemical-free” battery electrodes, making the manufacturing process cleaner, more efficient, and more sustainable. In July 2024, Ateios Systems released its first rechargeable electrode product, RaiCore™ High Voltage Lithium Cobalt Oxide (HV LCO), as the dominant chemistry that makes up 33% of the battery market for consumer electronics.


Full story: Ateios Systems secures $350,000 NSF Engines grant | Binghamton News