NSF announces $16M program for responsible tech design with philanthropic partners
The National Science Foundation announced Tuesday it is partnering with five philanthropic partners through a $16 million program to boost focus on ethical and social considerations in emerging technologies. The Responsible Design, Development and Deployment of Technologies, or ReDDDot, initiative aims to “help create technologies that promote the public’s wellbeing and mitigate potential harm,” according to […]
Novo Nordisk Foundation partners with CARB-X to fight drug-resistant infections
Antimicrobials, including antibiotics, are the world’s primary defence against infections. But when the bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites that cause those infections mutate and become resistant to existing treatments, simple infections can lead to severe illness or death. Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) threatens to unravel societies and the global economic system by increasing the risks of […]
Washington Un. Partners With Deerfield Mgt. To Launch Drug R&D Company
Washington University in St. Louis announced on Tuesday that it was launching a drug R&D company in collaboration with Deerfield Management, a New York-based health-care investment firm. Deerfield has committed up to $130 million over the next 10 years to help fund the initiative, which will be called VeritaScience, in recognition of the university’s motto “Per Veritatem Vis,” […]
Tulane University Office of the Provost and Innovation Institute fund three $50,000 technology development projects
Three new technologies have joined the growing roster of projects supported by the Provost’s Proof of Concept Fund, a $50,000 competitive grant available to Tulane faculty, staff and trainees. This fund is designed to support the development of promising Tulane technologies, helping to advance them closer to the marketplace where they can create impact benefiting […]