Student Seed Fund Helps Tomato Farmers
Postgrad students from Cambridge University have won a competition for innovators. The final judging ceremony of the McKinsey Innovate 2012 competition, held at The Commonwealth Club in London produced victory for The Ethical Tomato Co, four postgraduate students on the university’s Engineering for Sustainable Development masters programme. The annual contest, sponsored by global management consultancy […]
Government of Canada announces new innovation money
TORONTO, ONTARIO, May 22, 2012 (MARKETWIRE via COMTEX) — Canadian companies specializing in everything from natural resources to information technology are turning to researchers at local colleges to grow their businesses and create high-quality jobs, because R&D and innovation happen at all levels-from the academic labs all the way to the shop floor.
Tennessee INCITE fund invests in healthcare, business services, and the sports world
The state of Tennessee’s INCITE fund has fueled more than $4 million in private investment in ventures including health care, business services and the sports world. In an announcement, The Tennessee Technology Development Corp., which is administering the fund for the state, announced $4.4 million in private investment following $1.9 million from the government fund.
At New York University, It Takes A Lot More Than Grant Money To Fuel Innovation
Scientific research is thriving at NYU. Not only does the university have an impressive track record of turning research grants from the federal government into patentable inventions, it also excels at nurturing relationships with New York’s entrepreneurial, venture capital and philanthropic communities. In the past several decades, more than 100 startups have been built on […]